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In the name of Allah

ya, seperi judul diatas, i am very uncomfortable at DQ. I don't know why.. but, I wanna move!

Perasaan ini kembali lagi. ga tau kenapa.. Aku juga sering sakit. pengennya sakit waktu lagi sehat. tapi kalo sakit, pengennya sehat

Sekarang aku mau pindah.. tapi, gimana ya.. aku masih mau ngafal القرآن الكريم dan jadi Hafizhah. aku mau banggain أمي و أبي , and all of my family, everyone also.

kata Ummi, aku harus shalat istikharah dulu sebelum ngambil keputusan. dan aku harus istiqomah kalau udah dapet petunjuk dari Allah. 

Sebenernya, aku masih pengen di DQ, tapi, yang bikin aku ga betah itu apa bisa berubah? aku berharap banget.... itu bisa terjadi

sekarang, aku cuma butuh seseorang yang lebih berpengalaman,,, wali asrama. ya, wali asrama itu penting banget buat semua santri. karena mereka adalah pengganti Ummiku. aku pengen beliau mengerti perasaanku.

I want her to understand my feelings. Just that! no more

Ustadzah, kalau ustadzah baca ini, aku harap ustadzah bisa lebih mengerti aku yang sedang terpuruk dalam ke-tidak ketenangan di tempat yang akan membuatku sukses dunia dan akhirat. ustadzah, please help me, help us..

kami juga mohon maaf atas kesalahan-kesalahan kami. kami tahu setiap orang memiliki kekurangan. tapi kami 'sangat membutuhkan' perhatianmu dan kasih sayangmu sebagai seorang ibu di pesantren ini.

---------Who need your attention---------


  1. Hasna...

    Adik Hasna...please ask to your self what the real reason you did not feel confortable in Darul Quran dormitory.
    Is the reasom because of the dormitory fasility? friend? communication with ustazah?
    please le me know dik Hasna.

    Why i do concernwith your problem ? because my daughter this july will be study at SMP Darul Quran mulia.

    I understood what you feel...please let me know what the reason and explain to your parent.

    i really concern what youfeel.

    warm regards

  2. Sorry mrs. Maybe i wrote it because i still new santri. And, new santri is will feel this feeling. And alhamdulillah, now, i'm and my other friend can feel comfortable with all the weakness. About fasility? Yes ofcourse.. But, ustad Hasib tell us to study with ikhlas, because it makes us easily to do. And, each of us feel comfortable with our limitation fasility.. Well,,
    if friend, problem with friend will make us stressed and sometimes it make us to think up :)
    and,, with ustadzah.. Maybe this is the right problem. Because until now, we not have right solution yet. But, insya Allah, in our new scholl year, we will have new ustadzah. Pray the best for us, mrs :D
    because, i'm still labil with this ma'had.. :(
    by the way, who's your daughter?
    (i'm sorry if there are many mistakes)

  3. Dear adik Hasna,

    Alhamdulillah you are feeling more better and feeling more confortable now.

    Adik Hasna..I really concern what you feel because my daughter will be joint in SMP darul Quran Mulia this july 14th 2012. I will tell my dauhter name later.

    related SMP darul Quran Mulia ,if you dont mind please give me some information :

    1.Review regulation statement..santri wati not allow to bring HP, lapto/nettop, camera digital, T shirt with any picture etc...please let me how the situation ?...and how you can write on your blaog if there is no fasility?

    2. When the parent/santriwati can make telephone call? how it is?

    3. When the time of parent can meet the santriwati ?

    i wait your information. because your information is very valuable for me as parent.

    Please enjoy your day and enjoy your holiday.

    warm regards

  4. 1. for hp, we can take it to contact parents on sunday after lunch. about T-shirt,yes, in other boarding school also have rules like this, like asy-syifa etc. i am just write my blog at holiday or when i am home. at DQ, our technology information like internet has not been too overlooked. whereas, it should be SMP or SMA is dependent on the internet

    2. the answer is in the first statement.

    3. the beginning you can visit your daughter 2 weeks a day. but after that, you will visit your daughter 1 month a day.

    sorry to keep you waiting.
    (i'm sorry if there are many mistakes)

  5. dear adik Hasna,

    Thank you for your information.
    it really valuable for me.

    by the way please keep your spirit.
    and if your feeling in blue, please remember following word of wisdom :


    smile ...and the world will smile to you.

    Titip anak sy ya dik..Namanya Mantasyaa nike.
    warm regards and keep in touch

  6. you're welcome. and, thankyou for your motivation. i'm very glad to know you, mrs. wish mantasya will be a good muslimah


  7. Aswrwb

    Di sana apa jarang ikut lomba2 spt sains, OSN? tq


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OSDQ 2013-2014

Bismillah, In the name of Allah Sekarang, buat tahun ini sampe tahun depan, angkatan aku diamanahi sekolah tercinta kami, SMPIT Darul Quran Mulia Putri, untuk menertibkan para santriwati.. ehehe DAn, alhamdulillah aku menjadi salah satu bagiannya Dengan : Pembina : Ustadzah Eli Chief of OSDQ I : Basma Amira Zahra Chief of OSDQ II : Faiqoh Hasanah Secretary : Atrasina Mazaya Treasure : Syifa Azzahra  Syifa, Faiqoh, Ustadzah Hilwa, Basma, Atrasina Security Department   : Tazkiya Muthmainnah                                       Nabilah 'Ulya Rizkiya                                       Lulu Fariha Ainul Mardiyah                                       Nusaibah Nurul Fida                                       Azizah Annuriyah                                       Nabilah Annisah Fida, Ulya Bele, Kiki, Lulu, Azizah   Language Division : Himmaty Muyassarah                                   Adetriana Khairunnisa                                   Annisa

Ketika Ujian bisa Memuliakanmu

Aku ingin bertanya, Manakah yang lebih baik dipilih, Berjalan di sepanjang indahnya senja, Atau bertahan di sepanjang jembatan riuh? Hidup ini sejatinya penuh pilihan Kita tumbuh menjadi orang yang pemilih Namun ada suatu keadaan Dimana hidup tak sengaja kita pilih Pada hakikatnya, Banyak hal yang tidak dapat kita paksakan Bila telah terjadi, hanya bisa kita pasrahkan Karena hanya Allah yang kita butuhkan. Kemurnian cinta-Nya mengalahkan segalanya Ketentraman jiwa hanya diberikan olehNya Terdapat banyak hal tak terduga dibalik layarNya Skenario terbaik telah ada padaNya Aku ingin meyakini, Tidak ada satupun kejadian tanpa hikmah Tidak ada satupun ujian tanpa akhir Selalu ada hal indah yang tak sanggup kita bayangkan Apakah kiranya kita sudah banyak bersyukur? Allah memberikan banyak nikmat yang tak terbalas, Apakah kiranya kita sudah banyak mengingat? Allah menguatkan kita dengan segala dinamika kehidupan yang ada Maka pantaskah kita memilih u